Pinpoint Community Guidelines

Pinpoint Community groups provide a calm, focused place for manual therapists to interact away from the noise, distraction, and data stealing AI of big social media.

  •  Be kind
  •  Follow the Golden Rule 
  •  Don't send unsolicited spam outside of here
  •  Be an ethical professional 
  •  Make sure claims made about a subject are plausible and welcome good-faith discussion and debate if they're questioned.
  •  No ad hominims or personal attacks 
  •  Relevant news and updates about healthcare policy directly relating to our work is welcome, but please keep polarizing politics out of Pinpoint conversations... there's enough of that out there, so let's not drag it in here. Let's stay focused on what we do best and maintain at least one place of respite on the internet :) 
Common Goal

The common goal of Pinpoint members is to engage in ongoing professional development while having a little fun :) We're here to learn, connect, and thrive while being of service to our communities, and providing the best possible care to our patients and clients.

Basic Goodwill Agreement

Pinpoint Members agree to treat everyone with respect regardless of sex, age, race, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, disability, nationality, citizen status, sexual orientation, gender expression, socioeconomic status, communication style, or profession.

Transparency Statement

There's a zero tolerance policy for harassment, comments or behaviors considered bullying, demeaning, discriminatory or inappropriate. Keep topics and conversations focused on professional growth, networking, education, and helping others through the primary lens of manual therapy.

Thank you in advance for keeping things copasetic around here :)

Pinpoint Private Social Network!

Ask questions

 Curious about something? Want to understand a concept better?  There's a few hundred people from all over the world, of different ages, backgrounds, and levels of experience standing by.
The more the merrier! 

Give answers

No one knows everything, and everyone knows something that someone else may not, not matter what walk of life they're on. Some have years of proven expertise, and others may have fresh ideas or new perspectives to offer. You are greatly encouraged to share you're experiences! 


Looking to connect with other science-based professionals on the leading edge? Need a referral in another city? Want a product recommendation? Need help deciding whether to refer to a PT or neurologist? Look no further! The Pinpoint community is made up of like-minded professionals from many different disciplines.

Share cool stuff

Did you make a new blog post or come across an interesting article?  Have a yoga class? Learned a new way of approaching a problem area? Have a patient success story that made your day? Is there an app or software that's made your business practice life easier? Shout it out to the Pinpoint community! This is the stuff that creates win-wins for everyone.

Pinpoint Education reserves the legal right to permanently remove and block any member who violates the guidelines. This includes being barred from enrolling in or attending any future Pinpoint Education classes, events or workshops (online or otherwise), as well as permanently losing access to membership.